Section: Scientific Foundations

Understanding and mastering complex systems

General context

There exist numerous examples of natural and artificial systems where self-organization and emergence occur. Such systems are composed of a set of simple entities interacting in a shared environment and exhibit complex collective behaviors resulting from the interactions of the local (or individual) behaviors of these entities. The properties that they exhibit, for instance robustness, explain why their study has been growing, both in the academic and the industrial field. They are found in a wide panel of fields such as sociology (opinion dynamics in social networks), ecology (population dynamics), economy (financial markets, consumer behaviors), ethology (swarm intelligence, collective motion), cellular biology (cells/organ), computer networks (ad-hoc or P2P networks), etc.

More precisely, the systems we are interested in are characterized by :

  • locality: Elementary components have only a partial perception of the system's state, similarly, a component can only modify its surrounding environment.

  • individual simplicity: components have a simple behavior, in most cases it can be modeled by stimulus/response laws or by look-up tables. One way to estimate this simplicity is to count the number of stimulus/response rules for instance.

  • emergence: It is generally difficult to predict the global behavior of the system from the local individual behaviors. This difficulty of prediction is often observed empirically and in some cases (e.g., cellular automata) one can show that the prediction of the global properties of a system is an undecidable problem. However, observations coming from simulations of the system may help us to find the regularities that occur in the system's behavior (even in a probabilistic meaning). Our interest is to work on problems where a full mathematical analysis seems out of reach and where it is useful to observe the system with large simulations. In return, it is frequent that the properties observed empirically are then studied on an analytical basis. This approach should allow us to understand more clearly where lies the frontier between simulation and analysis.

  • levels of description and observation: Describing a complex system involves at least two levels: the micro level that regards how a component behaves, and the macro level associated with the collective behavior. Usually, understanding a complex system requires to link the description of a component behavior with the observation of a collective phenomenon: establishing this link may require various levels, which can be obtained only with a careful analysis of the system.

We now describe the type of models that are studied in our group.

Multi-agent models

To represent these complex systems, we made the choice to use reactive multi-agent systems (RMAS). Multi-agent systems are defined by a set of reactive agents, an environment, a set of interactions between agents and a resulting organization. They are characterized by a decentralized control shared among agents: each agent has an internal state, has access to local observations and influences the system through stimulus response rules. Thus, the collective behavior results from individual simplicity and successive actions and interactions of agents through the environment.

Reactive multi-agent systems present several advantages for modeling complex systems

  • agents are explicitly represented in the system and have the properties of local action, interaction and observation;

  • each agent can be described regardless of the description of the other agents, multi-agent systems allow explicit heterogeneity among agents which is often at the root of collective emergent phenomena;

  • Multi-agent systems can be executed through simulation and provide good model to investigate the complex link between global and local phenomena for which analytic studies are hard to perform.

By proposing two different levels of description, the local level of the agents and the global level of the phenomenon, and several execution models, multi-agent systems constitute an interesting tool to study the link between local and global properties.

Despite of a widespread use of multi-agent systems, their framework still needs many improvements to be fully accessible to computer scientists from various backgrounds. For instance, there is no generic model to mathematically define a reactive multi-agent system and to describe its interactions. This situation is in contrast with the field of cellular automata, for instance, and underlines that a unification of multi-agent systems under a general framework is a question that still remains to be tackled. We now list the different challenges that, in part, contribute to such an objective.

Current challenges

Our work is structured around the following challenges that combine both theoretical and experimental approaches.

Providing formal frameworks

Currently, there is no agreement on a formal definition of a multi-agent system. Our research aims at translating the concepts from the field of complex systems into the multi-agent systems framework.

One objective of this research is to remove the potential ambiguities that can appear if one describes a system without explicitly formulating each aspect of the simulation framework. As a benefit, the reproduction of experiments is facilitated. Moreover, this approach is intended to gain a better insight of the self-organization properties of the systems.

Another important question consists in monitoring the evolution of complex systems. Our objective is to provide some quantitative characteristics of the system such as local or global stability, robustness, complexity, etc. Describing our models as dynamical systems leads us to use specific tools of this mathematical theory as well as statistical tools.

Controlling complex dynamical system

Since there is no central control of our systems, one question of interest is to know under which conditions it is possible to guarantee a given property when the system is subject to perturbations. We tackle this issue by designing exogenous control architectures where control actions are envisaged as perturbations in the system. As a consequence, we seek to develop control mechanism that can change the global behavior of a system without modifying the agent behavior (and not violating the autonomy property).

Designing systems

The aim is to design individual behaviors and interactions in order to produce a desired collective output. This output can be a collective pattern to reproduce in case of simulation of natural systems. In that case, from individual behaviors and interactions we study if (and how) the collective pattern is produced. We also tackle “inverse problems” (decentralized gathering problem, density classification problem, etc.) which consist in finding individual behaviors in order to solve a given problem.

Project-team positioning

Building a reactive multi-agent system consists in defining a set (generally a large number) of simple and reactive agents within a shared environment (physical or virtual) in which they move, act and interact with each other. Our interest in these systems is that, in spite of their simple definition at the agent level, they produce coherent and coordinated behavior at a global scale. The properties that they may exhibit, such as robustness and adaptivity explain why their study has been growing in the last decade (in the broader context of “complex systems”).

Our work on such problems is characterized by five research trends: (A) Defining a formal framework for describing and studying these systems, (B) Developing and understanding reactive multi-agent systems, (C) Analysing and proving properties, (D) Deploying these systems on typical distributed architectures such as swarms of robots, FPGAs, GPUs and sensor networks, (E) Transferring our results in applications.

Multi-agent System is an active area of research in Artificial Intelligence and Complex Systems. Our research fits well into the international research context, and we have made and are making a variety of significant contributions both in theoretical and practical issues. Concerning multi-agent simulation and formalization, we compete or collaborate in France with S. Hassas in LIESP (Lyon), CERV (Brest), IREMIA (la Réunion), Ibisc (Evry), Lirmm (Montpellier), Irit (Toulouse), A. Drogoul (IRD, Bondy) and abroad with F. Zambonelli (Univ. Modena, Italy) A. Deutsch (Dresden, Germany), D. Van Parunak (Vector research, USA), P. Valkenaers, D. Weyns (Univ. Leuven, Belgium), etc. Regarding our work on swarm robotics we have common objectives with the DISAL (Distributed Intelligent Systems and Algorithms Laboratory including EPFL Swarm-Intelligent Systems Group (SWIS) founded in 2003 and the Collective Robotics Group (CORO) founded in 2000 at California Institute of Technology USA) EPFL Laboratory, the Bristol Robotics Laboratory, the Distributed Robotics Laboratory at MIT, the team of W. & D. Spears at Wyoming university, the Pheromone Robotics project at HRL Lab. (HRL, Information and systems sciences Lab (ISSL), Malibu CA, USA (D. Payton)), the FlockBots project at GMU(George Mason University, Eclab, USA (L. Panait, S. Luke)), the team of G. Théraulaz at CNRS-Toulouse and the teams of J.-L. Deneubourg and M. Dorigo at ULB (Bruxelles).